martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Contrast/Comparative paragraph (BLOCK METHOD)

Running or doing whatever sport is better than staying at home watching television to relax. When you are having busy days and also you are being overwhelmed, you have to do any sport. All sports make us feeling that we are just ourselves, thinking about our problems because our mind is as open so it is very useful to solve them. Besides, doing sports is the best way to get a healthy body and life.
On the other hand, staying at home watching the television or a film is not a good way to relax, although if you only want to sleep or you are very tired, then it’s not a bad way. Anyway, when you stay at home you start thinking about all your problems intensely, because you are into four walls so you don’t have enough space to evade your mind and think in a positive way.
In brief leaving our mind evades is better to get relax and solve problems than sitting down on an armchair and feel worse.

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